Sunday, August 30, 2009
Run For Fitness, Run For Fun
Feeling good, energetic and stress free
Supreme physical conditioning - including a stronger heart, a greater lung capacity, lower blood pressure and an increase in good cholesterol (HDL).
Such are the benefits of running. It’s true. Although there are a lot of cardio activities out there that you all should try to find out which one is for you, running is one of my favorites that burns the most calories.
If you’re a runner, then you know what I’m talking about. There’s a huge sense of achievement and that feeling of conquering the world when you wrap up with your run.
If you aren’t a runner, then allow me to say this:
Get your butt on the tread mill or outside and do a few laps!
Trust me. Give it a try and watch your excess weight melt away. Ofcourse if you are new to running, you need to build up your run. By that I mean you need to gradually increase the distance and the speed you can run at. There are a number of examples on the net on how you can do that. I personally liked the one mentioned in the September 2009 issue of the Women’s Health magazine.
Gents Hold On. Just because this example came from Women’s Health doesn’t mean you’ll be a “wuss” for trying it out.
Goal: To run 30 minutes at a stretch
Time to achieve the goal: 7 weeks
Intensity: moderate intensity (a pace at which talking isn’t easy). Start out with light intensity if you can’t handle moderate in the beginning
Frequency: 2-3 times a week on alternate days
Week 1: run 2 mins and walk 3 mins. Do this 6 times to total 30 mins
Week 2: run 3 mins and walk 3 mins. Do this 5 times to total 30 mins
Week 3: run 5 mins and walk 2 mins. Do this 4 times to total 28 mins
Week 4: run 7 mins and walk 3 mins. Do this 3 times to total 30 mins
Week 5: run 8 mins and walk 2 mins. Do this 3 times to total 30 mins
Week 6: run 9 mins and walk 1 min. Do this 3 times to total 30 mins
Week 7: run 30 mins. do it once.
And Voila! You’re done. You can now do a straight 30 min run.
If you’re an intermediate/advanced runner, then you can apply the same principle to take your running time up to 60 minutes. Or you can try to do the same distance in less time. The choices are endless.
Tips for effective running:
- Stretch 5 mins before and especially after your run
- Make sure you have comfortable running shoes that are not totally worn out
- If you feel like you cant move on to the next week, then don’t push it. Repeat the week you just did, to get more used to it
- On the other hand if you feel you can kick it up a notch, then see if you can skip a week. But don’t push yourself beyond your limits
- If you’re running on a tread mill, run at 1% incline to get that running outdoor resistance
- Throw in some strength training during the week as well. This will make you a fat burning machine
- Don’t run right after eating. Give yourself 2-3 hours after a major meal
Things to watch out for:
- If you’ve got a history of knee injuries, get yourself ok’d by the doctor before you start
- Don’t ignore any kind of pain. Stop your run, and get yourself checked.
- Don’t alter your natural running style to accommodate for the pain you are feeling. That can lead to injuries because of excessive stress on your joints (ACSM Health and Fitness Journal July/Aug 1997)
- Don’t push yourself beyond your limit. Listen to what your body is telling you
There are also some good running sites out there which you can search for. They will have more advice on running. I’m listing one I found pretty helpful, below.
Advanced runners, don’t fret, I’ll be putting up an advanced interval training workout especially for you. Lets see if you’re up for the challenge.
Till then, Stay Fit and let me know what you thought about this running strategy. I would love to read your comments and incorporate your suggestions.
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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Results, Where Art Thou?
But don’t give up on that fabulous body of yours just yet. There can be numerous reasons why you aren’t losing that unwanted weight. And rather than giving up and thinking you have that special body type that just doesn’t respond to anything, its worthwhile finding out what the problem could be. Most of the times, its just small little things that we tend to overlook.
I came across this interesting article a little while ago by Paige Waehner which I thought will be helpful to you all. Its titled 10 Reasons Why You’re not Losing Weight and it lists simple things that you may not be considering such as lack of sleep, stress or binge eating over the weekend.You guys should definitely read it if you get a chance. This may really help you achieve your goals a little faster.
And remember, you shouldn’t ever give up on that great bod of yours. The results will come.
So keep smiling :)LaylaRead more!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
10 Minutes To Boulder Shoulders
This is a workout that I came across, in the fall 2009 issue# 31 of the Exercise and Health magazine. They called it the “Shoulder On” workout. This workout is different from the shoulder on workout they have online under their workout section. Its 4 exercises long, which takes roughly 3 minutes to do, if you do them altogether. They haven’t quite mentioned the rest in between exercises and how many sets one should do, but after experimenting with the number of repetitions (reps),sets and rest periods, I’ve come up with a really challenging 10 minute combination that is sure to deliver noticeable results.
The Props
All you need is a resistance band (those stretchy rubber like bands you can use instead of weights). If you don’t have a resistance band then I recommend 5lbs or 2.5 kg dumbbells for beginners and 10lbs or 4kg dumbbells for intermediate and advanced levels. If you dont have access to either the band or the weights, then just pick up a couple of heavy books to use as your props.
Number of reps per exercise
Beginners – 10 reps with the specified weights
Intermediate – 12 reps with the specified weights
Advanced – 12 to 15 reps with the specified weights
How we’re gonna do it
You need to do all the 4 exercises one after the other as a circuit with no rest in between exercises. You’re going to do the circuit three times with a 30-45 second rest in between.
The Exercises
Straight Arm Raises. Do both Arms together instead of one at a time.
Dumbbell Military Presses
Lateral Raises
Bent-over rear raises
The exercises being performed in the video examples provided, have all been performed using weights. If you’re using a resistance band, the concept would be the same – you would just press the rubber tubing under your foot and use its handles as the dumbbells. I’m giving a few examples below so that you get the idea of how to use the resistance band.
A Lateral Raise with resistance band
A military press with resistance band. You can do this one standing up as well.
There you have it gentlemen. You can do this workout as a part of your upper body workout routine or just on its own. Its a sure shot winner in my book. Especially if you do it as instructed.
I'll be putting on some more 10 min workouts that you can use to mix and match with this one and make your own full body circuit.
Till then,
stay fit
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Monday, August 24, 2009
The Sexy Jeans Workout for Women
Layla here. I’m a part of Apollo’s Fit Junction league. I’m as much of a fit freak as he is and have the same goals as he does: to make you fitter, hotter and sexier. My focus though, is on us - the stronger sex. So lets get to it.
Just because the beach season is wrapping up and we don’t have to wear a two piece for a while, doesn't meant that we can ease up on our workout and pack on a few pounds. As a matter of fact I’m sure you want to look good in those new pair of sexy jeans you’re just going to buy for the fall.
So why not do something about it? Below is a lower body workout that is really all about muscle toning with some strength training built in as well. It has done wonders for me and if you make it a part of your workout routine, I’m sure you’ll achieve more than just fitting in those jeans.
The Workout
2 options: Beginneror intermediate/advanced
Rest period: Maximum 15 seconds between each exercise
Total Time: 40 mins approx
It is always a good idea to speak to your physician before doing a workout in case you've had any injuries.
- Keep knees soft
- Engage your core
- If you want to go harder, reduce your recovery period between exercises to 5 - 10 seconds.
- Really focus on the muscle when you are working it
- Uplifting music helps. Try the work out while listening to your favourite tunes
The Exercises
Overhead squats: You can do this as shown in the video or hold a broom or a light barbell overhead. You can even do choose the no weight option with your arms held high over your head
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps
Side steps. Keep your arms extended straight out in front of you while you perform this exercise
FJ Challenge: hold a 2.5lb or a 1.5 kg weight in each hand to work those shoulders. Use medium sized books if you don’t have any weights
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps
Lateral Lunges. Keep your arms extended straight out in front of you while you perform this exercise
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps
For the next 3 exercises watch this video
- For Exercise# 1 go with the advanced option
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side
- For Exercise# 2
Beginner 12 – 15 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 15 – 20 reps
- For Exercise# 3
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side
Sumo squat with upright row. Use a heavy book if you don't have access to weights
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps
Lunge and Bicep Curls. For this exercise go with the beginner option shown later on in the video
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps
Bonus FJ Challenge exercise:
Drop and hold the squat position for 5 seconds and then return to standing position. Wait one second and go into your next rep
Beginner 3 - 5 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 5 – 7 reps
Abs Circuit
Don’t rest more than 5 – 10 seconds MAX between the below abs exercises
Lying leg raises
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side
Side plank
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side
Butter Fly crunches
Beginner 12 – 15 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 15 – 2o reps per side
Beginner 20 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 30 reps
End of Circuit
Now rest 2 mins and do the exercises in the reverse order. Once you are done, be sure to cool down. Here are some good suggested exercises
Congratulations ladies! You've gone the distance. Combine this workout with 20 - 30 minute cardio sessions 2-3 times a week to really maximize the results
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Thursday, August 20, 2009
Drink Much?
While all of the above are really serious, we hardly even blink cuz…well lets face it – ignorance is some times bliss (even if it is actually poisonous, pain giving, gut wrenching bliss).
But I just stumbled upon something that is sure to get especially the guys’ attention. Its something that made me go “Whaaaa” and I’m sure will make you “No way!” as well.
Yes gentlemen, alcohol just doesn’t affect your performance on the field if you know what I mean. Studies have shown that alcohol has a direct negative affect on the male sex hormone testosterone. You’ve got to have enough of this stuff for sexual performance and for fertility. Guys, you may be thinking that this may not be true because when you’ve had the juice, you feel like getting it on big time. But remember, there is a difference between desire and what you can actually do. You may want to get your freak on, but you won’t be able to get in on for long. And if what I’ve been reading on the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) website is true, then the performance bit isn’t the only thing to worry about. You may notice an increase your cup size and a decrease in your jock size Yep, the site mentioned breast enlargement and atrophy of the testes. Just something to thing to think about when you have a hang over the next time. The Good news though, is that if you stop over doing the drinking bit, your testosterone levels should come back to normal (according to what I read on )
Ladies, the guys aren’t the only one who have to worry about the sex bit. Alcohol has also been related to low sex drive in women as well. And that’s not all. According to what I was reading in the march/april 2008 issue of the Health & Fitness journal, a publication of the American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM), women who have a couple of drinks on a regular basis increase their risk of breast cancer by 21%.
Got y’all thinking didn’t I. Well good for you. Also, if you’re thinking this stuff doesn’t apply to you cuz you are “moderate” or “social” drinkers who just have 5-6 drinks regularly, then allow me to share some more facts that I learned. ACSM’s Health and Fitness journal’s july/august 2007 issue (and a few other sites as well) suggests that moderate amounts are considered as:
2 drinks a day for men
1 drink a day for women
A drink can be either 12oz of beer, 4-5 oz of wine or 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits.
Just to put things in perspective, a glass is approximately 8 oz. So roughly we are talking about a drink being a bottle of beer, a glass of wine or a shot of spirit.
And just in case you’re wondering, not drinking 5 days of the week does not mean you can have 10 drinks on the weekend. I did my drinking math the same way a while back, but after having seen the light, I’m thinking I’m ok with those occasional one or two drinks.
You should try this too and see if it makes a difference in your life. In the mean time stay tuned for another awesome workout that ill post soon. It’s going to be fun and is suitable for guys and gals at any level of fitness.
Till then, Stay Fit
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
My No Weight Shockwave Circuit for Fat Burn and Muscle Tone
There are times when you're feeling really explosive and energetic and really want to tear it up, but you dont have a jogging track or the eqiupment to do so. In times like these, I've found my shockwave to do the trick. Its for guys and girls alike and as far as im concerned, its so money!
Choose the level that best suits your current fitness level and go for it. Also if you have any injury history, its always good to consult your physician before doing something you're not used to.
That being said, put your favorite tunes on and enjoy
No Weight Shockwave Circuit
For: fat burning and muscle toning. It will also give you a cardio workout
Do the circuit at least twice and do the exercises in the mentioned sequence
Remember: to keep those abs tight through out, to keep those elbows and knees soft, to cool down at the end.
Hope it shocks you like it does me!
Side to side jumps (go as high and low as you safely can. Dont pull anything)
Bridge or Plank (on knees as an option)
Push ups or press ups (on knees as an option)
Tricep dips
Shadow boxing (give it everything you've got here)
V up
Single side leg raises
Optional: Add the below as your circuit finisher for the icing on the cake
Side to side jumps
Star Jumps
Do an active recovery for 3-4 mins (so keep on doing something like jumping jacks or light stationary jogging) and then repeat the circuit 2-3 times. You can even do it 4-5 times if you've gone with level 1 and you arent feeling it as much.
If you've done the work out and you're not out of breath or you aint sweating, then you either need to increase the time per exercise or take the harder option. If you did both these things and you still aint sweatin, you need to tell me your secret :)
Stay Fit
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Be Known By The World
This is an area specifically dedicated to you. I invite you to promote yourself through this area by posting comments on who you are, what you do and how you want to change the world. You can promote your own site, your friends' sites or any cause you feel strongly about. The choice is totally yours.
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Monday, August 10, 2009
The Coming
Hello out there! Today welcomes the coming of Apollo on the net.
My purpose:
to share my knowledge about health and fitness with as many of you beautiful people out there, as possible
to learn from your fitness experiences
My background: A fitness enthusiast enroute to becoming a certified fitness pro; whose been active throughout his life, but has really been living and breathing fitness since the last 5 years.
I am also an average joe and a party animal. Im someone who works 8 hours a day at a stressful desk job and takes crap for things that go wrong. I've had my share of binge drinking (still do sometimes) and cigarettes( its been years but oh God I still miss those things). In short, I am someone who you can relate to.
And today I start my journey in bringing to you things I have learned and still learn on a daily basis. Be they from personal experiences, from articles I read or from videos I see; I will bring to you info in the hopes that you find it helpful;
So - be it for giving your expert thoughts or learning something new, just keep visiting from time to time and be a part of the Fit Junction.
Stay Fit,
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