Hi Ladies
There’s no denying the fact that Jessica Biel has one of the most athletic bodies in Hollywood. I also know that I won’t get any objections from Apollo on this fact. He would do anything to get a chance to workout with her :)
Heres an article about her arm workout that we found for you posted at the Fit Sugar site. It lists 7 types of pushup variations that can help you get the arms and even the upper body you want.
There are some tough push up variations in there as well. And for those of you who wont be able to do them just yet, I suggest you stick to the ones shown in images 1, 2 , 4, 6 and 7. If those prove too hard, then do them on your knees. The goal is to at least start doing them.
How many should you do?
You should do at least 10 pushups per exercise with no more than 30-45 seconds rest in between. This rest time is for beginners only. For every one else, limit your rest to 10-15 seconds max.
FJ Challenge: Rest no more than 5-10 seconds between each exercise.
Do the push up variations as part of one circuit.
How many circuits should you do?
Do at least 2 circuits to really challenge your arms. Shouldn’t take you more than 10-15 mins
Ready to get started? Click here to get to the workout
Keep Smiling :)
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