
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can Nintendo's Wii Make You Fitter

Now this is something that has always interested me. The idea of playing a video game and getting fitter at the same time, is something that sounded really absurd to me. I seriously had my doubts about how gaming consoles such as Nintendo’s Wii could play a part in good exercise. I had also read a study that ACE had conducted, trying to measure just that. ACE was of the opinion, that although not as good as the real thing, its not bad. The issue with that study was it only had 16 people as the participants.

So Apollo and I went out and bought ourselves the Wii, complete with the Wii Fit pack. We wanted to see if it really was some kind of a workout.

Our Study
We tried various workouts in the Wii Fit game, the timings of which ranged from 22 minutes up to 55 minutes; depending on the intensity and the type of workout chosen. On top of the body weight exercises, there were a number of fun activities like volley ball, skating, skiing and stationary running; incorporated in the workouts.

The Results
We mostly went for harder intensity options given that our current fitness level is not beginner. I’ve got to tell you that we were pleasantly surprised. While not really focusing on upper body strength, the game had us working our legs pretty hard. With a number of body weight exercises to do, we were sweating quite a bit past the 15 minute mark. On an average, for the 22-30 min workouts, we did end up burning between 110-200 calories. While for the 55 min ones we hit the 350 mark. To top it off, both of us actually got a little muscle soreness in the legs. Given that we are pretty active and burn less calories than an average person during a workout, we were pretty impressed.

We also tried the Wii Sports game, which has tennis, boxing, bowling and baseball. While boxing was the only game which we think would get that calorie burn going, we still burned some modest calories while playing tennis. And we had fun doing that.

Our Conclusion 
Wii Fit is definitely a good starting workout, which will improve your muscular strength and endurance to a certain degree as well. As a matter of fact I would also say that I’d do the workouts in there, on the days where I don’t have time to get to the gym. The game got me motivated, had Apollo and myself being a little competitive with each other and above all we had fun. This is something that we always look for in a workout. If its not fun, you wont do it.
So try the Wii Fit. If you don’t do any workout as yet, this will no doubt challenge you. And if you’re a regular exerciser, don’t rule it out. Like I said, there were some circuits in there that had us working pretty hard. Its definitely a sound investment

Keep Smiling :)


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