
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FJ Picks Of The Week

Hello healthy readers. Here are our picks of the week

The name of the article says it all. From aerobic training to building strength and speed, its got it all. Note: a couple of workouts mentioned, ask you to do some hill running. If you don’t have any uphill streets in your area, put up a 3-4% incline on the tread mill do get the desired effect.

Top 9 Fitness Myths -- Busted!
Source: WebMD
Some things all beginners should know when they hit the gym.

Do Guys Need To Work On Their Butts?
Source: World Fitness Network
Gents, something that you should know on why you should build your butt muscles

Knowing cholesterol numbers could ward off heart disease
Source: CNN
Ladies, its especially something that you will want to read. This is exactly why we say you should keep your cholesterol in check.

The Obesity-Alcohol-Depression link
Source: Self Magazine
Another great read for the ladies. Its gives a great reason for why its so easy to over do it on sugar and other fatty foods when one is a bit tipsy.

Spicy Hungarian Goulash
Source: Canadian Diabetes Association
Low in fat, no sugar and good amount of protein. Something to try out.

Mind Over Matter. And Feet.
Source: Diary of A Reluctant Athlete
We thought this story was great for motivation and determination because its real. Its not based on some gigantic realization. Its plain and simple – you want something, you go for it and you achieve it!

Enjoy the great info people.

Stay Fit


Keith said...

Great list! Like that link to WFN! Going to check out the 9 Fitness Myths now!

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