
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Drink Much?

Ok people, lets face facts. Most of us have had some serious booze at one time or the other. Either that, or the party still ain’t over. If you’ve stopped hard core drinking, then good for you. But If you haven’t then you oughta at least think about the effects of long term alcohol binging. There are many actually and I’m sure that you think you’ve heard em all. So I’m not going to list out the boring “it can harm your liver”, “kill your brain cells” or the “extra calories that make gain unwanted weight” types of facts.
While all of the above are really serious, we hardly even blink cuz…well lets face it – ignorance is some times bliss (even if it is actually poisonous, pain giving, gut wrenching bliss).
But I just stumbled upon something that is sure to get especially the guys’ attention. Its something that made me go “Whaaaa” and I’m sure will make you “No way!” as well.
Yes gentlemen, alcohol just doesn’t affect your performance on the field if you know what I mean. Studies have shown that alcohol has a direct negative affect on the male sex hormone testosterone. You’ve got to have enough of this stuff for sexual performance and for fertility. Guys, you may be thinking that this may not be true because when you’ve had the juice, you feel like getting it on big time. But remember, there is a difference between desire and what you can actually do. You may want to get your freak on, but you won’t be able to get in on for long. And if what I’ve been reading on the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) website is true, then the performance bit isn’t the only thing to worry about. You may notice an increase your cup size and a decrease in your jock size  Yep, the site mentioned breast enlargement and atrophy of the testes. Just something to thing to think about when you have a hang over the next time. The Good news though, is that if you stop over doing the drinking bit, your testosterone levels should come back to normal (according to what I read on )
Ladies, the guys aren’t the only one who have to worry about the sex bit. Alcohol has also been related to low sex drive in women as well. And that’s not all. According to what I was reading in the march/april 2008 issue of the Health & Fitness journal, a publication of the American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM), women who have a couple of drinks on a regular basis increase their risk of breast cancer by 21%.

Got y’all thinking didn’t I. Well good for you. Also, if you’re thinking this stuff doesn’t apply to you cuz you are “moderate” or “social” drinkers who just have 5-6 drinks regularly, then allow me to share some more facts that I learned. ACSM’s Health and Fitness journal’s july/august 2007 issue (and a few other sites as well) suggests that moderate amounts are considered as:

2 drinks a day for men
1 drink a day for women

A drink can be either 12oz of beer, 4-5 oz of wine or 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits.

Just to put things in perspective, a glass is approximately 8 oz. So roughly we are talking about a drink being a bottle of beer, a glass of wine or a shot of spirit.

And just in case you’re wondering, not drinking 5 days of the week does not mean you can have 10 drinks on the weekend. I did my drinking math the same way a while back, but after having seen the light, I’m thinking I’m ok with those occasional one or two drinks. 

You should try this too and see if it makes a difference in your life. In the mean time stay tuned for another awesome workout that ill post soon. It’s going to be fun and is suitable for guys and gals at any level of fitness.

Till then, Stay Fit



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