
Friday, September 18, 2009

Gluten Intolerance And Symptoms That Sound Too Familar

Gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease. Ever heard of it? Well up till recently I didn’t either. Yet its symptoms are among those that are common enough for us to dismiss them, without us giving them much thought. Indeed fatigue and an upset tummy are symptoms that we tend to relate to something we ate or didn’t eat. While skin manifestations could be something that we relate to dust, some brand of soap that didn’t agree with our skin or just some annoying allergy. We never even think of it being something like Gluten Intolerance. Just for your info, Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other grass related grains like barley and rye. And when your body is intolerant of Gluten is when these symptoms kick in. But enough of my explanations. You need to hear this from the Pros. Here is post titled Diagnosis of Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance by Kimberly Bouldin that you will find most helpful.
Trust me people, you may think that you have irritable bowel syndrome or you’re just one of those people who have a constant upset tummy. But it could very well be this. No matter how small the chances, its better to be safe than sorry. You may just improve your quality of life by one simple read.

Stay Fit


Kim said...

Thanks for sharing my article & blog. :)


Apollo said...

Its all about sharing the information to make a difference. This is worth it. Stay Fit

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