
Sunday, August 16, 2009

My No Weight Shockwave Circuit for Fat Burn and Muscle Tone


There are times when you're feeling really explosive and energetic and really want to tear it up, but you dont have a jogging track or the eqiupment to do so. In times like these, I've found my shockwave to do the trick. Its for guys and girls alike and as far as im concerned, its so money!

Choose the level that best suits your current fitness level and go for it. Also if you have any injury history, its always good to consult your physician before doing something you're not used to.

That being said,  put your favorite tunes on and enjoy

No Weight Shockwave Circuit

For: fat burning and muscle toning. It will also give you a cardio workout

3 levels: 45 seconds, 1 min 15 seconds or 2 mins per exercise. 5- 10 second rest between stations. 

Do the circuit at least twice and do the exercises in the mentioned sequence

Remember: to keep those abs tight through out, to keep those elbows and knees soft, to cool down at the end.

Hope it shocks you like it does me!


Star Jumps (go as high and low as you safely can. Dont pull anything)
Side to side jumps (go as high and low as you safely can. Dont pull anything)
Bridge or Plank (on knees as an option)
Push ups or press ups (on knees as an option)
Tricep dips
Shadow boxing (give it everything you've got here)
V up  
Single side leg raises

Optional: Add the below as your circuit finisher for the icing on the cake
Side to side jumps
Star Jumps

Do an active recovery for 3-4 mins (so keep on doing something like jumping jacks or light stationary jogging) and then repeat the circuit 2-3 times. You can even do it 4-5 times if you've gone with level 1 and you arent feeling it as much.

If you've done the work out and you're not out of breath or you aint sweating, then you either need to  increase the time per exercise or take the harder option. If you did both these things and you still aint sweatin, you need to tell me your secret :)

Stay Fit



Anonymous said...

This really did push my limits. Nice job. Looking forward to more workouts

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