
Monday, August 24, 2009

The Sexy Jeans Workout for Women

Hello Ladies,
Layla here. I’m a part of Apollo’s Fit Junction league. I’m as much of a fit freak as he is and have the same goals as he does: to make you fitter, hotter and sexier. My focus though, is on us - the stronger sex. So lets get to it.

Just because the beach season is wrapping up and we don’t have to wear a two piece for a while, doesn't meant that we can ease up on our workout and pack on a few pounds. As a matter of fact I’m sure you want to look good in those new pair of sexy jeans you’re just going to buy for the fall.

So why not do something about it? Below is a lower body workout that is really all about muscle toning with some strength training built in as well. It has done wonders for me and if you make it a part of your workout routine, I’m sure you’ll achieve more than just fitting in those jeans.

The Workout
2 options: Beginneror intermediate/advanced
Rest period: Maximum 15 seconds between each exercise
Total Time: 40 mins approx

It is always a good idea to speak to your physician before doing a workout in case you've had any injuries.

- Keep knees soft
- Engage your core
- If you want to go harder, reduce your recovery period between exercises to 5 - 10 seconds.
- Really focus on the muscle when you are working it
- Uplifting music helps. Try the work out while listening to your favourite tunes

The Exercises

Overhead squats: You can do this as shown in the video or hold a broom or a light barbell overhead. You can even do choose the no weight option with your arms held high over your head
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps

Side steps. Keep your arms extended straight out in front of you while you perform this exercise
FJ Challenge: hold a 2.5lb or a 1.5 kg weight in each hand to work those shoulders. Use medium sized books if you don’t have any weights
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps

Lateral Lunges. Keep your arms extended straight out in front of you while you perform this exercise
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps

For the next 3 exercises watch this video
- For Exercise# 1 go with the advanced option
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side

- For Exercise# 2
Beginner 12 – 15 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 15 – 20 reps

- For Exercise# 3
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side

Sumo squat with upright row. Use a heavy book if you don't have access to weights
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps

Lunge and Bicep Curls. For this exercise go with the beginner option shown later on in the video
Beginner 10 – 12 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps

Bonus FJ Challenge exercise:
Drop and hold the squat position for 5 seconds and then return to standing position. Wait one second and go into your next rep
Beginner 3 - 5 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 5 – 7 reps

Abs Circuit
Don’t rest more than 5 – 10 seconds MAX between the below abs exercises

Lying leg raises
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side

Side plank
Beginner 10 – 12 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 12 – 15 reps per side

Butter Fly crunches
Beginner 12 – 15 reps per side
Intermediate/Advanced 15 – 2o reps per side

Beginner 20 reps
Intermediate/Advanced 30 reps

End of Circuit

Now rest 2 mins and do the exercises in the reverse order. Once you are done, be sure to cool down. Here are some good suggested exercises

Congratulations ladies! You've gone the distance. Combine this workout with 20 - 30 minute cardio sessions 2-3 times a week to really maximize the results
Stay tuned for a perfect upper body workout to complete your full body routine.
Keep smiling :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this one Layla. It really got me going

Tatiana Noel said...

I did this circuit on Tuesday evening (just the legs, my abs are on another day). It's now Thursday and I'm still on Advil. Thanks Layla!

Layla said...

:) Looks like someone did the workout with dedication. Good Job! It'll get better. I promise. Keep Smiling

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